Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finally warm enough to play outside!!

Well, the temps finally got above 30 degrees and we spent about 4 hours outside Saturday! Ashley went exploring around the yard and pushed her baby doll stroller....a favorite toy! Such a favorite I had to get another one at target because it was the only toy causing a major meltdown between Annalyse and her. New stroller, no problems :) Well....not totally true....the little ones are taking awhile to warm up to each other. There has been hitting, screaming and a biting incident in the bathtub....please pray for them that they will get along better soon....and I will stay sane in the process!

Ashley continues to amaze us...she's picking up new words each day and this morning I said, "where is your nose?" and she pointed to it! We had only done that with her the night before right before bed. She can say "Asheeeeee" and follow all sorts of simple commands...sit down, come here, take that to da da...

We've had a sick kid here since about 4 days after we got home...two strep, one ear infection and two stomach bugs...I guess having a big family means big sickness? Thankfully, mom and dad have been spared but it's made for some more sleepless nights and missed school days.

This week we head to Atlanta to have her evaluated by the Spina Bifida clinic at Eggleston. From our standpoint, she seems to have zero effects of the SB, but we'll be seeing the experts to see what they say...i'll keep you posted. I will say that our pediatrician says that CHINA GOT IT WRONG. The form of SB they said she had, our Dr. says, NO WAY. ISN"T GOD AWESOME!! He says her tone, muscles, reflexes and strength in her legs and ankles, is PERFECT. WOW.

We serve a faithful God, folks.....and all the glory goes to Him.

Lastly, if you 've emailed me about the new blog (and if you have BEGGED....not that anyone has...diane...) i'll be sending out the new link soon. It's still in the works :)


Diane said...

Begging? Did you detect begging? Man! I thought I covered that up. Oh well, I am only human. Can't wait to see the new blog. I love to perch on the fence and watch God do cool things in the lives of my friends. So sue me!

Love you guys,

Dawn said...

LOVE the pics Emily.
She looks like she is fitting in just perfectly!!!
What wonderful news about her SB! Yes, we do serve an AWESOME GOD!!!
Praying all goes well Wed. Leah gets her evaluation at International Adoption Center for everything in general. Busy week.
Take care

Alli said...

Praise God!!!!!

Kim and Dennis said...

I keep checking for the new blog too. I am still enjoying the old one, but I don't want to be left out either!
Love the pictures, it has been great weather!