Sunday, November 9, 2008

AWAA families this week...

I've been slack on updating the list to the left...

But here are two families (there are a bunch more, but all I could remember...) that are getting their girls MONDAY!! By the time we wake up, they will already have them! I'm especially THRILLED to see ms. Lydia Hope!!!! Naomi has been such a cheerleader for me and we have been prayer warriors on behalf of each other for many months. Also, Shannon has been a great encourager of mine and a fellow RQ buddy! Then Sarah and her sweet family...Sarah has left some really encouraging prayers for us and for Ashley. Her heart for orphans and for others shines through every comment she leaves!!Enjoy!!!

Lydia Hope

The Walker Family

The Strand Family

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I have been thinking of you Emily and lifting you and your family in prayer! Praying that you get your RA THIS WEEK! You have waited TOO long.
