Monday, February 2, 2009

Three weeks ago today....

In a small, cold room in Hunan, orphan became a daughter, a sister and a granddaughter. Although she still has some grieving, today she is a happy, giggle box who we cannot imagine our lives without. It seems like she has always been here!

"I will not leave you as orphans...I will come to you...." John 14:18


Ashley said...

kiss all FOUR of those sweet faces for me!!!

the big ashley (hmmm...not sure i like that :)

Denise said...

She is the sweetest!! Glad you are getting settled into life with 4~

kate said...

I want to reach through the screen and hug her! She is adorable! :) And so are those other sweet girls of yours!!!

Jen Talley said...

Had so much fun with you guys today!!! She's just beautiful!!!